Friday, August 3, 2012

37 Weeks

I have been going back and forth lately on this whole scheduling a "last day" at work before maternity leave.  I was originally going to go ahead and work until the baby decided to make her debut.  However, now that we're getting closer I am definitely starting to feel the effects of late pregnancy.  I'm thinking as of now I'm going to go ahead and work and see how it goes.  With the way month end falls (I'm an accountant), its just not so feasible to take off early, but I think I will plan on having my last day be my due date.  One of my friends also gave me the great idea of taking a few Fridays off, so I may do that this week.

I am slowing down and just feeling generally more tired at work and especially after.  I am also starting to feel a little overwhelmed.  For some reason we always manage to fill up our weeknights with things to do, all things I love, but even so, these things lead to me feeling more worn out by the end of the week.  We also seem to always fill up our weekends.  These are great things, but are also taking up all prep for baby time (and just general relaxation)!  Even though I say it doesn't matter if the nursery is finished before she arrives, I really want it to be!  Plus there are just so many small odds and ends that I would like to take care of before. 

This past week I have noticed a new symptom...heartburn!  I've had it maybe a couple times so far this pregnancy, but in the past week its every night!  Last night I ate dinner at 7:30 and didn't lay down until 10 and still had my pillows elevating me and it was crazy!  I asked my doctor today and she told me to try an over the counter to see if that helps.  I've also started having a tiny bit of siatic nerve pain down my left leg, very strange, but really not too bad at all and very random.

My doctor's appointment went great today.  I saw the nurse practitioner for the last time and she asked if I wanted to be checked.  I was 1.5 centimeters dilated and 80% effaced and baby dropped to between 0 & +1 station.  She said this stuff is sort of the person checking you's estimate so her 80% could be the same as my doc's 60% last week.  Who knows, but not too much progress from last week I guess.  We'll have to see what my doctor says next week when she sees me again!  I was happy to hear I was GroupB strep negative.  Blood pressure & urine both looked great, baby's heart rate was 151, and my weight gain was 23 pounds so far.

36 Weeks
37 Weeks (and a few days, opps!)

37 Weeks

1 comment:

  1. +1 station is awesome!! My yoga teacher says engagement is the hardest part, so that's great news.
